ASLAN International Ministry — Revelation 17:8

ASLAN International Ministry — ‘The beast that thou didst see: it was, and it is not; and it is about to come up out of the abyss, and to go away to destruction, and wonder shall those dwelling upon the earth, whose names have not been written upon the scroll of the life from the …

ASLAN International Ministry — Revelation 12:9

ASLAN International Ministry — and the great dragon was cast forth — the old serpent, who is called ‘Devil,’ and ‘the Adversary,’ who is leading astray the whole world — he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers were cast forth with him.

ASLAN International Ministry — Revelation 11:15

ASLAN International Ministry — And the seventh messenger did sound, and there came great voices in the heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of the world did become those of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign to the ages of the ages!’