Young Adults?

Young Adults 1 Timothy 4:12 ESV / 240 helpful votes Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.Jeremiah 1:7 ESV / 154 helpful votes But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for …

Your Health?

Your Health 1 Corinthians 3:17 ESV / 8 helpful votes If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.1 Corinthians 3:16 ESV / 8 helpful votes Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?3 John 1:2 ESV …

Your Mind?

Your Mind Colossians 2:8 ESV / 16 helpful votes See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV / 16 helpful votes Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is …

Your Soul?

Your Soul Matthew 10:28 ESV / 536 helpful votes And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.Ecclesiastes 12:7 ESV / 349 helpful votes And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns …


Your Words 1 Peter 1:1-25 ESV / 5 helpful votes Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who are elect exiles of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with …


Youths 1 Timothy 4:12 ESV / 26 helpful votes Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.Proverbs 3:1-7 ESV / 19 helpful votes My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length …

ASLAN International Ministry Confirmation

Confirmation John 20:22 ESV / 327 helpful votesAnd when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 8:14-17 ESV / 154 helpful votesNow when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them Peter and John, who came …

Aslan International Ministry – Confidence

Confidence Proverbs 3:26 ESV / 315 helpful votesFor the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught. Isaiah 41:10 ESV / 158 helpful votesFear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you …

Aslan International Ministry – Christian Dating

Aslan International Ministry – Christian Dating 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 ESV / 113 helpful votesDo not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? 2 Timothy 2:22 ESV / …

Aslan International Ministry – Christian

Aslan International Ministry –  Christian 1 Peter 4:16 ESV / 49 helpful votesYet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name. Matthew 6:24 ESV / 33 helpful votes“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, …