ASLAN International Ministry — I say to you, that He will execute the justice to them quickly; but the Son of Man having come, shall he find the faith upon the earth?’
Category Archives: Son
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 17:30
ASLAN International Ministry — ‘According to these things it shall be, in the day the Son of Man is revealed;
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 17:26
ASLAN International Ministry — ‘And, as it came to pass in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man;
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 17:24
ASLAN International Ministry — for as the lightning that is lightening out of the one part under heaven, to the other part under heaven doth shine, so shall be also the Son of Man in his day;
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 17:22
ASLAN International Ministry — And he said unto his disciples, ‘Days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and ye shall not behold it;
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 15:30
ASLAN International Ministry — but when thy son — this one who did devour thy living with harlots — came, thou didst kill to him the fatted calf.
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 15:25
ASLAN International Ministry — ‘And his elder son was in a field, and as, coming, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing,
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 15:24
ASLAN International Ministry — because this my son was dead, and did live again, and he was lost, and was found; and they began to be merry.
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 15:21
ASLAN International Ministry — and the son said to him, Father, I did sin — to the heaven, and before thee, and no more am I worthy to be called thy son.
ASLAN International Ministry — Luke 15:19
ASLAN International Ministry — and no more am I worthy to be called thy son; make me as one of thy hirelings.