Women Long Hair ?

Women Long Hair 1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV / 18 helpful votes That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.1 Corinthians 11:1-34 ESV / 17 helpful votes Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in …

Women Pastors?

Women Pastors 1 Timothy 2:12 ESV / 57 helpful votes I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.1 Corinthians 14:34 ESV / 51 helpful votes The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should …

Women Preachers?

Women Preachers Galatians 3:28 ESV / 114 helpful votes There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Acts 2:16-18 ESV / 89 helpful votes But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: “‘And in the last …

Women Preaching The Gospel?

Women Preaching The Gospel 1 Timothy 2:12 ESV / 449 helpful votes I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.1 Corinthians 14:34 ESV / 372 helpful votes The women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, …

Women Working?

Women Working Titus 2:5 ESV / 99 helpful votes To be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.Proverbs 31:10-31 ESV / 99 helpful votes An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her …

Womens Rights?

Womens Rights Galatians 3:28 ESV / 113 helpful votes There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.Psalm 68:11 ESV / 47 helpful votes The Lord gives the word; the women who announce the news are a great …

Word Of Truth?

Word Of Truth 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV / 45 helpful votes Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.John 17:17 ESV / 38 helpful votes Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.Hebrews 4:12 ESV / …

Working Together?

Working Together Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 ESV / 967 helpful votes Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie …


World 1 John 2:15-18 ESV / 132 helpful votes Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is …

World Events?

World Events 1 John 5:19 ESV / 37 helpful votes We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.John 16:33 ESV / 36 helpful votes I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have …